Welcome to FNS-Cloud
Food Nutrition Security Cloud (FNS-Cloud) has launched the first ‘food cloud’, federating existing and emerging datasets, tools and services to support European research.
FNS-Cloud Final Event
12-13 September 2023 | Brussels – BE
Data – Tools – Services – Demonstrators
Existing resources (data, knowledge, services and tools) for health and agri-food sciences are fragmented, lack critical mass, and access by user communities is ‘unevenly’ distributed. This means data are not FAIR: readily found, accessible, interoperable or reusable. The FNS-Cloud project aimed to overcome this fragmentation and develop resources to make Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) research “FAIRer”.
The FNS-Cloud Demonstrators are here to show how you might use existing and emerging FNS resources in your research.
Find resources – Access information – Interact with others – Refine skills