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Welcome to FNS-Cloud

Food Nutrition Security Cloud (FNS-Cloud) has launched the first ‘food cloud’, federating existing and emerging datasets, tools and services to support European research.

FNS-Cloud Final Event 

12-13 September 2023 | Brussels – BE 

Data – Tools – Services – Demonstrators

Existing resources (data, knowledge, services and tools) for health and agri-food sciences are fragmented, lack critical mass, and access by user communities is ‘unevenly’ distributed. This means data are not FAIR: readily found, accessible, interoperable or reusable. The FNS-Cloud project aimed to overcome this fragmentation and develop resources to make Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) research “FAIRer”.

The FNS-Cloud Demonstrators are here to show how you might use existing and emerging FNS resources in your research.

Food Chains Traceability

Branded food databases, food labelling and reformulation

Total Diet Studies

Healthy Microbiome

Type-2-Diabetes and Hypertension risk

Food-Drugs interactions

Food Intake and Lifestyle

Find resources – Access information – Interact with others – Refine skills 

easy deployment






