News & Events

FNS-Cloud Final Event
After four years (and a global pandemic), FNS-Cloud will launch the first generation cloud-solution for food data in Brussels (BE).

FNS-Cloud tools & services: How can I benefit
This workshop was a guided hands-on tour of the FNS Cloud including searching for data on food intake, food labelling, food traceability, and healthy microbiome.

FNS-Cloud tools & services: How can I benefit
This workshop was a guided hands-on tour of the FNS Cloud including searching for data on food intake, food labelling, food traceability, and healthy microbiome.

FNS-Cloud Ontologies | Training

Demonstrators at FNS-Cloud
Potential users from HUA and AUA in Athens (EL) were invited to join the consortium to explore the demonstrators.

11th BfR Summer Academy 2023
Exposure models and practical exercises
Professor Jacob D. van Klaveren, RIVM (NL)

How to make food nutrition security data FAIRer
This session introduced FNS-Cloud and explored how FNS-Cloud is bringing activities together under three demonstrators, specifically Agri-food data and tools (DEM01), Nutrition & Lifestyle (DEM02), and Non-communicable diseases and microbiome (DEM03).

Data and computer services for the food sector
The session brought together representatives from EuroFIR, METROFOOD, Blue Cloud, COMFOCUS, Elixir, ECRIN, FNHRI, EOSC to explore future FAIRification of food sector data, tools and services.

Open Science Taster | FNS-Cloud workshop
This workshop introduced the pillars of Open Science, while focusing on open data and open access publishing for food and nutrition scientists. It was hosted by Katherine Flynn (IFA, AT) and Edward Sliwinski (EFFoST, NL).

Making existing and emerging food nutrition security data and tools FAIR
This symposium introduced FNS-Cloud and explored some of the first outputs. It focused on existing (use cases) and emerging (field trials) data, and how these will form the basis of three demonstrators, facilitating better re-use and exploitation of knowledge as well as boosting confidence and building capacity through training and education resources.

Food & Health Digitalisation
This session considered outputs from several EU- and otherwise-funded projects and is suitable for food scientist, engineers, and technologists, whether academia or industrial, as well as developers and those working consumer services.

Blue-Cloud & FNS-Cloud collaboration
Improving food security and nutrition is a key global challenge. Fish and other aquatic products provide significant amounts of food, income, and employment. To provide data-driven support for decision- and policy-makers in Europe and beyond, Blue-Cloud and FNS-Cloud launched a collaboration in April 2020, contributing to the understanding of the importance of fish to local and global food systems.

FNS-Cloud at IEEE Big Data 2019
This session considered outputs from several EU- and otherwise-funded projects and is suitable for food scientist, engineers, and technologists, whether academia or industrial, as well as developers and those working consumer services.