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How to make food nutrition security data FAIRer

Open Science is based on transparent and collaborative working, producing and sharing data, knowledge, tools, and services (resources) as early as possible in the research process. Existing food nutrition security resources across Europe are fragmented, lack critical mass, and access is unevenly distributed with the majority unfindable or inaccessible because of cost. FNS-Cloud is developing the first-generation ‘food cloud’ by federating existing and emerging resources and developing and integrating services to support re-use through the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This session will introduce FNS-Cloud and explore how FNS-Cloud is bringing independent activities together under three demonstrators, specifically Agri-food data and tools (DEM01), Nutrition & Lifestyle (DEM02), and Non-communicable diseases and microbiome (DEM03). In September 2023, FNS-Cloud will launch these demonstrators and advance ICT tools and services, facilitating better FNS research and exploitation of knowledge as well as delivering training and support to boost confidence and build capacity amongst user communities.

Food Nutrition Security Cloud: Introduction

Paul Finglas (QIB, UK)

Branded food composition databases: How and why to collect data?

Igor Pravst (NUTRIS, SI)

Challenges and solutions; Fairification of Food & Health Data

Eileen Gibney (UCD, IE)

Making diet & microbiome data FAIR

Maria Traka (QIB, UK)

FOODRUGS, integrating public data repositories to explore food-drug interactions

Enrique Carillo de Santa Paul (IMDEA Food Institute, ES)

Food Nutrition Security Cloud: Introduction

Paul Finglas (QIB, UK)